Software Security, Protection, and Reverse Engineering Workshop Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City, Los Angeles, CA
December 5-6, 2016
Collocated with
Metadata Recovery From Obfuscated Programs Using Machine Learning (Best Paper Award) Aleieldin Salem and Sebastian Banescu
Finding the Needle in the Heap: Combining Static Analysis and Dynamic Symbolic Execution to Trigger Use-After-Free Josselin Feist, Mounier Laurent, Sebastien Bardin, Robin David, and Marie-Laure Potet
Detecting Rootkits With the RAI Runtime Application Inventory Shabnam Aboughadareh and Christoph Csallner
White-Box Cryptography: Practical Protection on Hostile Hosts Yuan Gu, Harold Johnson, Clifford Liem, Andrew Wajs, and Michael Wiener
Active Android Malware Analysis: An approach based on Stochastic Games Riccardo Sartea, Mila Dalla Preda, Alessandro Farinelli, Roberto Giacobazzi, and Isabella Mastroeni
Buffer Overflow Attackās Power Consumption Signatures Samuel Moore, Mark Yampolskiy, Jacob Gatlin, Jeffrey McDonald, and Todd Andel
Tightly-Coupled Self-Debugging Software Protection Bert Abrath, Joris Wijnant, Bart Coppens, Bjorn De Sutter, and Stijn Volckaert
Comparing the Effectiveness of Commercial Obfuscators against MATE Attacks Ramya Manikyam, Todd McDonald, William Mahoney, Todd Andel, and Samuel Russ