Software Security, Protection, and Reverse Engineering Workshop Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City, Los Angeles, CA
December 5-6, 2016
Collocated with
Accepted papers are now published in the
ACM Digital Library.
Early registration deadline: November 15, 2016
SPPREW-6 is collocated with ACSAC-2016, held at the Hilton Universal City near Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Visit the ACSAC registration site for arrangement information.
Registration cost for SPPREW of $475 (early) / $575 (late) covers breakfast, lunch, and a welcome reception on Tuesday.
Group hotel rates are available for the conference and extend through 14 Nov.
SSPREW brings together two communities of interest from previous workshops that focus on program protection (PPREW) and software security (SSP). Software security is a discipline that
lies at the crossroads of security, cryptography, networks, software engineering, computer architecture,
operating systems, and compiler design. Program protection and reverse engineering techniques both find their
practical use in malware research and analysis as well as legitimate protection schemes for intellectual property
and commercial software. The workshop will focus on how to protect software from tampering,
reverse engineering, and piracy as well as techniques of program analysis that support reversing engineering and program understanding.
SSPREW will provide a discussion forum for
researchers that are exploring theoretical definitions and frameworks, implementing and using practical methods
and empirical studies, and those developing new tools or techniques in this unique area of security. The workshop communities have historically
provided exchange of ideas and support for cooperative relationships among researchers
in industry, academia, and government.
August 28 September 18, 2016 |
October 3 October 21, 2016 |
Camera Ready Version: |
November 12, 2016 |
Workshop: |
December 5-6, 2016 |
Submissions handled through EasyChair.

The 7th International Summer School on Information Security and Protection was held
this year at the Amrita School of Engineering in Bangalore, India on August 2-6, 2016.
The ISP summer schools highlight the increasing need for software security and protection due to the growing sensitivity of user data coupled with
the ubiquitous nature of computing systems ranging from tiny embedded devices to powerful datacenters. The summer school is an annual even that brings
together internationally renowned speakers from diverse fields in Computer Science such as Software Engineering, Machine Learning,
Computer Architecture, Operating Systems and Compiler design into Software Security and Protection. Topics typically covered include code obfuscation,
software watermarking, tamper-proofing, virtualization, security modeling, supervised and unsupervised learning for security,
formal methods and Android security. The ISP summer school caters to graduate students and professionals from academic, government organizations,
industries and research laboratories.