Condado Plaza Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
December 9–10, 2019
Collocated with
Workshop Program
Monday, December 9th
7:30 am |
Breakfast |
8:30 am |
Welcome |
8:35 am |
Training Session: Hacking Program Analysis - From Theory to Practice Roberto Giacobazzi, University of Verona |
10:00 am |
Break |
10:30 am |
Training Session: Hacking Program Analysis - From Theory to Practice
12:00 pm |
Lunch |
1:30 pm |
Training Session: Reverse Engineering with Binary Ninja Jordan Wiens, Vector 35 |
3:00 pm |
Break |
3:30 pm |
Training Session: Reverse Engineering with Binary Ninja
4:30 pm |
Adjourn |
Tuesday, December 10th
7:30 am |
Breakfast |
8:30 am |
Welcome |
8:35 am |
Keynote: AI Security and Smart Asset Protection Yuan Xiang Gu, Senior Technology Advisor, IRDETO |
9:30 am |
Paper: Obfuscation: Where Are We in Anti-DSE Protections? Mathilde Ollivier, Sébastien Bardin, Jean-Yves Marion and Richard Bonichon |
10:00 am |
Break |
10:30 am |
Talk: A White-Box Implementation Based on the Decomposition of an S-box and the Affine Equivalence Problem Sandra Rasoamiaramanana |
11:00 am |
Paper: Preventing Zero-Day Exploits of Memory Vulnerabilities with Guard Lines Sterling Vinson, Rachel Stonehirsch, Joel Coffman and Jim Stevens |
11:00 am |
Paper: Revealing Malicious Remote Engineering Attempts on Android Apps with Magic Numbers Leonidas Vasileiadis, Mariano Ceccato and Davide Corradini |
12:00 pm |
Lunch |
1:30 pm |
Talk: Improving Stochastic Code Deobfuscation with S-Metaheuristics Cauim de Souza Lima, Richard Bonichon and Sébastien Bardin |
2:00 pm |
Paper: A Case Against Indirect Jumps for Secure Programs Alexandre Gonzalvez and Ronan Lashermes |
2:30 pm |
Paper: Fine-Grained Static Detection of Obfuscation Transforms Using Ensemble-Learning and Semantic Reasoning Ramtine Tofighi Shirazi, Irina Mariuca Asavoae and Philippe Elbaz-Vincent |
3:00 pm |
Break |
3:30 pm |
Panel Discussion: Trends in Software Protection Research and Industry
4:00 pm |
Adjourn |
6:00 pm |
ACSAC Welcome Reception |